Making Ambient Music with an iPad

I managed to create some decent generative ambient music. It's kinda awesome what you can do with just a tablet these days. Let me walk you through how I did it by using a couple of apps. For a list of apps used, just scroll to the bottom.

MIDI for Random Notes

Okay, so first things first, I wanted to get some random notes going. I used two MIDI apps for this: Rozeta Particles and Chordjam by Audiomodern. Particles was cool for spitting out single notes, and I set Chordjam to handle the chord progressions. I kept everything in C major because why not? It's simple and sounds good. The trick was to make it random but not total chaos.

Picking the Sounds

Next up, creating the sounds. For the chords, I used Fabfilter Twin 3 and this Decent Sampler with a string patch I have. It gave a nice, rich sound. The single notes were all thanks to Particles, but the actual sound came from this Pure Upright piano app by e-instruments. Plus, I threw in Speldosa by Klevgrand because it has this unique vibe.

Adding Some Effects

Then came the fun part – effects! I ran the sounds through Eventide Blackhole and Baby Audio Crystalline. These apps are super cool for making your music sound spacey and deep.

Every now and then, I’d switch on Replicant 3 for the Pure Upright, and K7D by Imaginando would add some neat effects to Speldosa. It was all about experimenting and seeing what sounds good.

Mixing It Live

The final touch was mixing everything live, which I did using AUM by Kymatica. It's a great app for controlling all the different tracks and tweaking the EQ to change how everything sounds while the music is playing. It keeps things interesting because I can mix it differently every time.

Wrapping It Up

So yeah, that's pretty much it! It’s amazing what you can do with an iPad and some creative apps. I never thought I could make something that sounds nice with just a tablet. If you're into music, definitely give it a try. It’s a lot of fun and you might surprise yourself with what you can create. Peace out! 🎶🎧📱

Apps Used

  1. Rozeta Particles by Bram Bos

  2. Chordjam by Audiomodern

  3. Twin 3 by FabFilter

  4. Decent Sampler by Decidedly

  5. Pure Upright by e-instruments

  6. Speldosa by Klevgrand

  7. Blackhole by Eventide

  8. Crystalline by Baby Audio

  9. Replicant 3 by Audio Damage

  10. K7D by Imaginando

  11. AUM by Kymatica


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