Meris LVX Paramters

Welcome to this detailed guide on the Meris LVX. This manual-style breakdown, we'll dive into each parameter as displayed on the unit, in an attempt understand its capabilities. I used a combination of the official LVX manual and hands on testing to understand each parameter better.

On this post we will focus on the very first page of the settings.


This parameter sets the fundamental architecture of your delay effect, each offering unique characteristics:

  • Standard: This mode provides stereo parallel delay lines for a straightforward, clean delay.

  • MultiTap: Features an 8-tap delay, with 4 taps assigned to each stereo side, allowing for complex, rhythmically detailed patterns.

  • Multi Filter: Builds on the MultiTap structure by adding a separate bandpass filter at the output of each tap, offering enhanced tonal control.

  • Poly: A dual version of the Polymoon delay structure, processing each stereo side independently with its own algorithm for a sophisticated sound.

  • Reverse: Offers stereo parallel delays but with reverse playback, creating a unique, ethereal effect.

  • Series: Includes stereo series delays with two delays in series on each side, allowing for independent control over the division and feedback of four delays in total.


Choose the tonal flavor of your delay:

  • Digital: A pristine, uncolored delay. The modulation knob here adjusts from slow and wide to fast and narrow modulations.

  • BBD: Analog-style delay with characteristic coloration. The modulation knob here adds depth to the classic LFO.

  • Magnetic: Tape-style delay with slight saturation and gentle degradation. The modulation knob here increases wow and flutter effects.


Controls the delay interval between the original signal and its echo:

  • Can be set in milliseconds for specific durations or synchronized to bpm for rhythm-aligned delays.

Half Speed

This feature changes the playback speed and pitch of the delay:

  • When activated, it halves the speed of the delay playback.

Left Div / Right Div

These settings apply to the 'Standard,' 'MultiTap,' 'Multi Filter,' 'Poly,' and 'Reverse' structures:

  • They allow for the setting of different rhythmic subdivisions in each stereo channel, enabling complex stereo delay effects.

L Div 1 / L Div 2 / R Div 1 / R Div 2

Specific to the 'Series' structure, these parameters manage the delay divisions for each of the four delays (two on each side):

  • They provide the ability to create layered, intricate delay patterns by independently setting the rhythm for each delay line.

This is the end of the first page, the next blog post will have the extra parameters for the "Standard", “Multi Tap“, “Multi Filter“, “Poly“ and “Reverse“ delay structure.


Meris LVX (2)