Meris LVX (5)

Poly Structure Extra Params

In my continued journey through the Meris LVX's features, we are now looking at the Poly delay structure params.


With the 'Dimension' control, the Poly structure allows you to blend echoes:

  • 0% Dimension: You can hear crisp, individual taps.

  • 100% Dimension: Here's where things get interesting. The taps merge into a continuous stream of sound, transforming what was once rhythmic into a smooth, ambient texture, akin to a reverb tail.


The 'Level' parameter might defy expectations, but it's all about finding the sweet spot for your taps:

  • 0% or Auto Level: This setting offers a default volume level, ensuring even the most subtle movements don't lead to total silence.

  • 1% Level: The faintest whisper of sound, this could be useful for when you want just a hint of an echo.

  • 100% Level: The delay taps are fully present and accounted for, making a statement with each repetition.


The 'Multiply' setting within the Poly structure allows for a interplay between multiple delay taps.

Left Mod & Right Mod

The 'Left Mod' and 'Right Mod' settings introduce modulation to each stereo channel. Utilizing the individual modulation controls for each stereo channel allows for the creation of a more dimensional and lively delay experience.

Combining these effect and the precise Level adjustments, the Poly delay structure on the Meris LVX offers a deeply customizable platform for sonic exploration.


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Meris LVX (4)